Results for spec/!OpenGL 1.1/line-aa-width


Result: None

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Detail Value
Returncode 1
Time 0:00:00.065354
Line from 0,2-30,3 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.031373
avg coverage: 0.522323
max coverage: 0.996078
Line from 30,3-60,6 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.050980
avg coverage: 0.512821
max coverage: 0.996078
Line from 60,6-90,12 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.090196
avg coverage: 0.530166
max coverage: 1.000000
Line from 90,12-120,20 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.117647
avg coverage: 0.540272
max coverage: 0.992157
Line from 120,20-150,30 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.145098
avg coverage: 0.524133
max coverage: 0.945098
Line from 150,30-180,41 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.168627
avg coverage: 0.551131
max coverage: 0.980392
Line from 180,41-210,54 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.188235
avg coverage: 0.557014
max coverage: 0.992157
Line from 210,54-240,68 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.203922
avg coverage: 0.560784
max coverage: 1.000000
Line from 240,68-270,82 had bad thickness (min < 0.25):
min coverage: 0.211765
avg coverage: 0.571644
max coverage: 0.992157

Command /home/jljusten/src/fdo/piglit/bin/line-aa-width -auto

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